Synergy Tools
Searching Students, Nicknames, Creating Seating Charts, Printing Class Rosters
Below you'll find some videos on some common events in Synergy you may need.
Searching Students:
You can search for any student in the school using synergy. Please see the following video for instructions.
Synergy lets you put student nicknames into the seating chart. This video will walk you through how to make them appear. I know the one drop down menu doesn't show up in the video, but I promise if you follow the steps I am saying it will work for you.
Loom Video
Seating Charts:
Synergy lets you build your own seating chart if you are so inclined. Please see the following video for help on that. Also, we currently do not have the ability to print those seating charts, but the district is working on it and I have been told hopefully we will have that by the end of the day.
Loom Video
Printing Class Rosters: