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This guide includes: How to use the Substitute Teacher Assignment Screen SUB401 Substitute Teacher Slip STU409 Class Roster How to use the Substitute Staff Assignment Screen What can a substitute teacher see and do? Note – If you plan to have a substitute teacher sign into Synergy to record attendance and view lesson plans provided by the teach
Product: Synergy Audience: Synergy Users Overview Synergy will be utilizing 2-Factor Authentication for secure logins. Due to a Federal mandate, this is required to add additional protections for student data. This will be required once per day. The codes are unique for each attempt to sign in. Normal Sign-In Process Each time you sign in, you w
Product: Mobility Print Audience: Students and Staff with Chromebooks Overview Use this document to learn how to Print from an assigned Chromebook using our Print Management System, Mobility Print. Tools/Equipment Needed Chromebook District Printer/Copier Printing From the Device Go to print your document from the Print Page Icon For example, t
Instructor Training Materials Instructor Help Guides Guides on everything instructors need to know aboutgetting started with Turnitin Instructor Training Videos These short, chunked training videos will guide instructorsthrough every step to getting started using Turnitin Student Training Materials Student Help Guides Guides on everything students n
Please use the link below to access Imagine Learning Classroom's resource page on how best to use Imagine Learning. Log in to your Canvas Course to follow along with the resources from Imagine Learning below. Resources If you have access questions, please reach out to your Canvas Coach
This guide includes: How to Access Synergy How to Record Attendance How to View Teacher Instructions How to Access Synergy The school will provide basic information to substitute teachers which includes: URL (should be similar to: School Name Teacher Name Password From the provided URL (web address)
Product: Gmail Audience: All Staff Overview It is fairly common to be a victim of Phishing. If someone has clicked on a Phishing link, attachment, or has put in their credentials, there are a few steps they can take immediately to alleviate a potential harmful attack. Tools/Equipment Needed Password Reset Site, Gmail What to do Go to password.
Below you'll find some videos on some common events in Synergy you may need. Searching Students: You can search for any student in the school using synergy. Please see the following video for instructions. Loom Video Nicknames: Synergy lets you put student nicknames into the seating chart. This video will walk you through how to make them appear.
As we approach the upcoming academic year, we want to ensure that you are well-prepared for the essential tasks of Online Course Requests and Master Schedule Building. Many LBL secondary schools have expressed interest in training opportunities, and we are pleased to announce that training sessions will commence in early January. Additionally, in a
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